
Monday, September 2, 2013

Owning up.

Okay, so this is a big leap for me...

Oh shit. I went there.

My whole body is on the internet. Phew. Breathe girl.

30 lbs. I wasn't seeing much difference in the mirror, so I decided I would compare photos. Same shirt, but I just got back from a run today (when the 'during' photo was taken) and so I had my running tights on. That's sweat and sunscreen right there. Anyway, I was like WHOA. Wait. 

That face on the left? Miserable. In denial. Horribly self-conscious. Only did things for others and ignored herself. The face on the right? Full of energy, happier, less self-conscious. Now sets aside time for herself. 

I've got a LONG way to go. I'm looking forward to seeing myself through.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lazy Sunday.

...not really.

I burned 1000+ calories on my bike today with Mr. M. 14+ miles on bike and I felt great! I was so proud of us - neither of us have gone that far before. :) Our wish is to ride to Valley Forge and back (20+ miles one way).

I've been diligent and have been receiving so much support. It's made me very grateful.

I'm down almost 26 pounds in 3 months. It doesn't *sound* like a lot to me...but I know it is. If I wore a 25 lbs. jacket, I'd probably realize how heavy that is and cry.

But I won't cry. I'm happy.

I'm never going to do this weight loss thing again. I'm determined.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Gold watch.

Er, I such at updating (both) blogs. :(

The good news is that I've since gotten down to about 247 lbs., for a total loss of almost 24 lbs. since the beginning of June. I don't cut calories, I work out like a beast, and I eat whatever I want as long as it fits my macros.

It's honestly been great.

Most of the reason why I've been sucktacular at updating has been MyFitnessPal. It is honestly amazing and I have found such AMAZING people for supports and to support in return.

That's been great too.

I work out 5 days a week, with most days containing two workouts - one morning, one might. Sundays are our long bike rides.

Everything is great.

Until next time!

Monday, July 29, 2013


I finished the 9 week program. Boy, that last week of Phase 3 was no joke. The last workout consisted of everything I hate (minus stride jumps) and almost back to back mountain biking and mountain boarding. OMG. Ow.

I'm so proud of myself.

No missed workouts!

I can fit into a size 18 jean now! YAY. I'm also 253.4 lbs. as of last Saturday. My family came into town on Saturday and we ate at a steakhouse. I enjoyed myself and did not gain any weight (even water weight) from it. :)

Started 30 Day Shred today. I can tell I'll be sore in the morning. I will be running the first day of C25K tomorrow morning, bright and early. I feel like I'm insane for doing both. We will see.

Til next time.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I found it!

Mountain biking starts at 3:02. My legs hurt thinking about it.

Friday, July 19, 2013


It's been scorching hot here in Philadelphia. Ugh.

To think I'll be running in two weeks in this weather is making me nervous. I've run before and in the heat, but I've never started running in the summer. It's always been late winter/early spring. Eek!

I've been working out. Phase 3 don't play. I've been feeling really...worn down. It's only for a little more than one week, though. I'm so proud of myself for getting to the end of this program with NO missed workouts.

I've been looking into heavier dumbbells. 15 lbs. for the squats, 8-10 for arms, I'll stick with 5 for the shoulders right now.

Yesterday, I went to my MIL's house to eat. It was sausage, pasta, sundried tomatoes, and pesto. It was a calorie bomb. OMG.

I've been starting to reintroduce things into my diet. I bought a pint of ice cream a few days ago. I have 1/4 of it and leave it alone. I can have things, just in moderation. :)

Eating at my BMR has been really awesome. I feel better and I'm losing weight!

Until later!

Monday, July 15, 2013

I've been work work work work working on my shit.

Last week's weight: 258.6
This week's weight: 255.8
Total loss: 2.8 lbs.
Total lost: 15.2 lbs. in 6 weeks.

This weekend was busy, which is why I wasn't able to update.

Saturday's Wii Active 2 workout kicked my ass. I had to sit down like 3 times. There were 3 sets of 75 rep mountain climbers (EEEEE! WTF.) The jump roping increased to 110 reps. The stride jumps have increased to 110 reps. They made me mountain bike AND mountainboard in the same workout. I was like dfldjfdlkfjdlkfj by the end.

I'm so glad Phase 3 is for two more weeks.

I'm gearing up for running when this is over. I'm nervous.

I went to a BBQ yesterday. I had some wings, chicken, pasta salad, fruit, and chips. I had 1600 calories left for the day, so I think I'm okay. :) I went bike riding (my tire blew halfway through) and we walked home. That was 300 calories.

Until next time!